Welcome to the official blog of the Barrens! We have been around for a while, but I think we'd all agree the Barrens as they exist now are just getting warmed up. Case in point, after a year and a half of recording, mixing, and mastering we are finally releasing our first album, "The Barrens," It's self-titled mostly because we are putting out the album we have always wanted to, and partly because we feel haven't made our definitive statement yet. We have put out one official (as in, had a barcode) EP "Worming" in 2008, and several demos before that. This album took a while for a few reasons. We started the album by recording 4 or 5 songs with a bass player who didn't work out and so we had to replace the tracks and find another bass player. That guy could only commit to a couple songs, so we had to cover the rest...which was time-consuming. I remember I had to pop a couple percocets just to get through one particularly long day of bass tracking. Once they kicked in I felt like I was playing a marshmallow machine. Since then bass became a lot more fun for me. Anyway, the album comes out July 1st and you can listen to an unmastered (its 200x sicker mastered) preview here: thebarrens.bandcamp.com. LATERZ